Leadership Training

Leadership is a skill which has to be practiced and must be integrated into one’s behaviour. Below are the leadership workshops we specialize in :

  • Awaken the Leader Within >

    The workshop will equip you with leadership skills and competencies required to be an effective people manager

  • Coach the Coach >

    This workshop will help you understand the importance of coaching and using the GROW model to coach team members effectively

  • Leadership Styles >

    This workshop will enable you to understand the different leadership styles and its importance with teams, individuals and customers

  • Competency Based Interview Skills >

    This workshop will enable you with the right skills to conduct a behaviour based interview, targeting specific skills and competencies required for various roles

  • Leading the Organization through Change >

    This workshop will help you to understand how to manage the impact of change on your people and how to lead teams while sustaining high performance

  • Leading Others through Change >

    This workshop will enable you to apply the principles and tools needed to manage others through uncertainty and change

  • Crucial Conversations >

    This workshop will equip you with the knowledge and skills required to communicate in situations where the stakes are high, opinions vary and emotions get strong

Essential Business Skills

Skills can be acquired but need to be nurtured and developed over time. Below are the list of essential business skill workshops we specialize in :

  • Stress Management >

    This workshop will enable you to regain inner peace by understanding techniques and tools to have a better work life balance

  • Personality Development >

    This workshop helps you create an impact by building your confidence levels, understanding self and enhancing your communication skills

  • Negotiation Skills >

    This workshop teaches you a step by step process to negotiate with internal and external customers, laying emphasis on the importance of emotions while negotiating

  • Customer Service >

    This workshop equips you with the skills required to be effective and create a wow experience for your internal and external customers

  • Fundamentals of Problem Solving >

    This workshop focuses on a step by step approach of problem solving for personal and professional enhancement

  • Conflict Resolution >

    This workshop focuses on understanding the different styles of handling conflicts and focusing on the right styles to create a win win situation at work

  • Team Work /Team Building

    This outbound workshop focuses on the stages of team development and the key skills required by interdependent people to work towards a common goal

  • Train the Trainer >

    This workshop equips you with the necessary training methodology and facilitation skills to make your training experiential focusing on different types of training audience

Emotional Intelligence

At a time like this, it's very important to have a proper control on your emotions. Success has a deep relation with your emotions. We not just help you to have a balanced control over your emotions but also help you channelize it and convert it into energy. Here is the list of topics covered in the workshop:

  • Assess & Manage Emotions >

    Learn techniques to assess & manage emotions effectively. Knowing your emotions isn’t enough. Being able to manage them is equally important

  • Be Self Motivated >

    Get tips to remain motivated even in tough times. Self motivation works wonders only if you do it daily. Know how to be your loudest cheerleader

  • Master Skills of Empathy >

    Master skills of empathy & care towards others. Learn how to read emotional cues of others and make a deeper connection with people in all walks of your life

  • Practical Tips & Techniques >

    Get easy to use as well as Practical Tips & Techniques to apply in your daily life

  • EI Assessment >

    Get your EI assessment done by an expert. You will be presented with a Personalized plan of action for the next 3 months

  • Build Strong Relationships with People >

    Build strong relationships with people. Learn how to build a lasting & positive connection with people in your professional as well as personal life

Communication Power

We strongly believe that communication is one of the most critical skills required across all levels in an organization. Below are the list of communication workshops we specialize in :

  • Delivering Effective Presentations >

    This workshop focuses on understanding a step by step approach on how to deliver high impact presentations to your teams, customers and the organisation too

  • High Impact Presentations >

    This workshop focuses on the art of designing effective presentations using powerpoint tools, aids and techniques

  • Interpersonal Skills >

    This workshop focuses on understanding the importance of verbal and non verbal communication to create a positive connect with people

  • Being Assertive – the art of saying no >

    This workshop introduces you to different communication styles and understand the benefit of using the assertive communication technique to create a win win situation

  • Business Etiquette / Communication >

    This workshop focuses on building relationships at work by using verbal communication, emails, meetings, phone and social media

  • Delivering Effective Feedback >

    This workshop helps you understand a step by step approach , various skills and models in order to deliver effective feedback

Executive Coaching

We conduct individual one to one and group coaching sessions. We specialize in the below themes :

  • Transition Coaching >

    This coaching is meant for middle and senior level leaders, transitioning to a new role or moving up the ladder

  • Performance Enhancement Coaching >

    Here the focus is to drive a behavioral change and support the participants to leverage on their strengths and work on their development areas

  • Customized Theme Based Coaching >

    This coaching is meant for working on specific feedback for improving Individual Leadership Style